Doing what u love?
Hey guys !!
Today i thought why not talk about serious stuffs like shld we let donald and mickey rule a country ? are we ready for more Fast and Furious forever series ? what is more important sex or food? kidding guys!! just trying to break the ice.
So folks do u seriously love what you are doing currently in your life because if u don't then it is a red siren beeping real loud. There are only a handful of people who do what they love. It is very difficult in our society to break the stereotype and bang do something new because you know you wont be accepted and that if u fail there is no backup. Agree or not ?
The fear of failing, the fear of not being accepted and what not , deteriorates the creativity in you. Just imagine if Sachin was forced to be a singer or if AR Rahman had to play cricket for his living, would they be who they are in their respective fields ? NO RIGHT?
Then why is that we have to yield down to fear and pressure ? why cant we too do what we love ?
The answer is simple, you have to first prove yourself in the respective field and then fight for your dreams in the best possible way. You must be confident abt wat u are doing and you must always welcome opinions. You cant let problems and obstacles take over you. You have to be determined and make use of every opportunity that knocks at ur door like that is the last of all the opportunities you get. Fight and work hard like there is no tomorrow. Last of all if u feel that it is all messed and u must just be normal then remember that "U ARE NOT NORMAL " u must calm down and sort it out or take your kith and kin's help.
In this journey if u fail its k, because it is not the end of the world dude and u can always try again and again. If u succeed don't let it get over your head and never forget your roots from where you have come.
For those who do what u love then u are lucky af and i hope that u succeed and enjoy the life u are living!!
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